Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Will and Jada Smith and how they raise good kids, even in Hollywood

I have always been a big fan of Will and Jada Smith. They show the world you can be a celebrity and be good people and stay happily married AND raise good kids.

I have a lot of respect for them and the example they are to the world. They were recently on the Oprah show and they were asked about how they punish their children and this was what they said.

Quote from Oprah show

"Another common question among parents is what punishment looks like in the Smith home. "That's one of the really difficult struggles because we don't exactly believe in punishment, per se. We believe in restriction, that you can have as much freedom as you can handle," Will says. "You can cut your hair. You can put stuff on your wall. And as soon as you do something that is detrimental to yourself, and when you can't be trusted with your freedom, then you have to be pulled back. But it's not about punishing you for what you did???it's about protecting you from the potential damage that you could do to yourself."

This makes so much sense and I must say I will be something I practice from now on. Children need bounders and thy need to learn what they can handle but as parents you need to protect them from themselves sometimes.

Read more about the Smith families ideas, they have a lot of really great ways of raising their kids and how they work on their marriage.

1 comment:

  1. That does make sense. It's also good, because it demonstrates consequences, and allows kids to experience them in a safe way. If kids don't learn to act independently, how are they supposed to know how to act responsibly?
