Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eating tips

All humans need to eat, we as adults know this and understand the

importance of a balanced health diet of veggies, fruit, carbs,

and meat proteins. But let's face not every child cares for the healthy stuff or even anything that isn't full of sugar and crap.

I have a few tips that should help you get some healthy meals into

your little one.

1- remember that a child will not starve themselves. If they're

hungry thy will eat. Sometimes we try to get little ones to eat on

a set schedule but sometimes you need to let them show you their


2- Children's Stomachs are only as big as their little hands clasped together. They will not eat a meal that is the same size as a you or even an older sibling. If they eat only a hot dog and a yogurt for a meal they are most likely full.

3- don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of desperation where

you give them anything do they will eat. This will only teach them

that if they don't eat the good stuff and hold out long enough thy

will get the sugary stuff they like. Why eat peas when you can have

a cereal bar or puffs.

4- snacks are a necessary part of your child's day. They can have two

small snacks a day. Some children LOVE snacks more then regular

meals so they will want to eat only the snacks. If you notice them

not eating lunch and then 15 minuets after you take them down

from the table they are asking for a snack that means thy didn't eat

because they wanted a snack all along. I would suggest playing the

tough love card and say "if you are hungry then you should eat more

at lunch" and make them wait until dinner. This point is much like

#3. "why eat corn when I can have cerrios?"

5- a lot of toddlers go through phases of not eating. You hear it

all the time "she just doesn't eat..." when they seem to be doing

this they could have something upsetting their stomach. It's

important to talk with their doctor about it and try not to fall

into the traps of #3 and #4. and to always remember they will never

starve themselves when they are really hungry they will eat.

6- eat as a family. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is. It

teaches children so many good things. It helps them learn good eating

habits as far as what it good for them to eat so they will be less

Lilly to have earring disorders or obesity problems. It also helps them

to know they can come and talk to you. There have been so many studies

on the benefits of eating as a family. I will be writing a posted

dedicated it this later on.

Happy Eating!

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