Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good Sleeping Habits Start Young

We all want it and some parents have it and some don't. Some parents have to work on getting their children to sleep and others are just blessed with good kids that sleep without any extra help.

To the less fortunate parents I have a tip. It won't sound nice or loving but I have sleep trained many kids with this technic.

Let them cry it out. I know it sounds heartless and it kind of is but it is a sure way for you to get your sleep and your baby will learn how to self sooth, a very important skill for any child.

You can start this training as soon as you know your child can sleep threw the night, most children start around 4 or 5 months. Some parents feel more comfortable waiting until their child is older to take aggressive actions like this but I must say the soon the better and easier.

How you start is like anything with kids slowly take it away. It should take about a week of crying to get them to sleep on their own.

On the first night it will be filling out the situation if they start to cry go in and let them know you are there but don't pick them up. I they start to cry again you just let them cry. You know your child's cry, by now you will most likely know how their cry is sounds for food, board, tiered, hurt, ect. If they become historical (hyperventilating) you go and comfort them try not to pick them up. Keep doing this and slowly they will stop crying as long. If you keep your “checking” short and avoid picking them up they will learn to self sooth, and will cry out less and less. Give them something small to cuddle with that will be safe to keep in their crib, like one of those small 12” x 12” soft blanket and animal mix or with a "Taggie".

Each night after the first try going in less and less and after about 3 or 4 days of “checking” on them try not going in at all and see how they do. You will most likely be surprised at how fast they learn to go down by themselves.

This will help two part of sleeping problems.

~ Going to sleep on their own without you rocking or soothing them

~ When they wake in the middle of the night for no reason they can put themselves back to sleep with out you and without disturbing you.

It will be hard, I have seen many moms cry while their doing this but it is a worthy cause for your sleep. You will be a better parent if you get a good night sleep.

If you would like more information the best book I have found that supports this method is Solve your child’s sleep problems, By Dr. Richard Ferber’.

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