Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Entertainment Committee

A lot of patents ask what can 'I' do to entertain my kids. The best thing you can do for your kids is let them learn how to use their imagination. This starts at a very young age. Babies start learning to 'Entertain' themselves as young at 3 months old.

3 months to 6 months- At this age you should be able to lay them on a play mate with something hanging over them with lights music and sound to catch their attention. At first they may only be able to be by themselves for a short time. Try to push them to play a little longer. If they start to fuss a little let them, see if thy can work it out themselves to grab onto the hanging objects. Once you let them stay there a little longer they start to learn (yes at 3 months they start to learn) how to entertain themselves. It is important at this age to let them fuss if you know they have all of their needs filled (food, warmth, sleep, clean diaper) then let then fuss. ****Remember you want to train them not them training you.****

6 month to 9 months- they are mobile at this point and if you started letting them play at 3 months they should be good to play by themselves longer. Put them on a soft area and let them sit up and play with a few toys. They love putting things in their mouths so make sure you keep anything you don't want in their mouth up high, and keep toys and area clean.

9 months to 1 year- walking! Get them a walking toy, something to push around. By this time they should be fine for around 15 minutes minimum and 30 max. You can let them play by themselves a few times a day. Get them a fun jumping toy, either one that sits on the ground or hangs in the door way. Again sit them on a play mat ( if you can get them to sit, they'll probably want to be moving) and let them have a few toys, some easy puzzles and blocks.

1 year to 18 months- they are walking crazy little people now. Keep letting them explore their world make a special cupboard in the kitchen that is filled with none breakable pots, pans, tupperware an lids to help them explore. They can make music and learn about putti things in and out. This is also good for younger ages but it is really great for this age. Let them have a space that is theirs for their toys teach them that is were they go if you are busy doing stuff. Try to keep this space if possible in you sight where they can see you and more importantly you can see them so they don't hurt themselves.

18 months to 2 years- around this age you will notice the wonderful time of tantrums have started. DO NOT GIVE IN!!!!! they will test you many times and if you hold your ground every time the tests will happen less often and then stop almost interlay. Now I'm no saying they will never have tantrums but it is important once they start showing you signs o them not to give in. They can and should play by themselves. They will like to play with things like what you have. Real keys, kitchen toy, tools, dolls, glasses, and old cell phones. They like to be like you, they notice the difference between their toys and your real stuff. If you can give them your old or broken(safe) items. They do still like regular toys also. They should be able to play on their own for 30+ minutes. They should also be able to play outside with supervision but not need to he entertained.

2 to 3 years- keep them playing with what ever they are interested in. I they like tools get tool like toys and benches to work on. If they like kitchen pretend set up a kitchen and a grocery store to shop in. Boys and girls like dolls, let them pretend to be mom or dad. This is also a great age for puzzle and books. Coloring on their own is great to

build the attention for school.

3 to 5- years- at this age you child should do great on his own. If you have not let them learn to play on their own introduce them to it slowly. Make them play for 15 minuets without you. If they insist on having you just ignore them eventually they will get bird of bugging you and go and play. Remember DO NOT GIVE IN. if you want ten to learn the very important skill of playing on their own don't give in. You can handle the sort tantrum for a long term goal.

5 and up- by this time the kids have probably stopped taking a nap and it is a great time to introduce 'quite time' this Is a good time to let them sit in their own room and play quietly or when there older work on homework. I would suggest at first for a 5 year old around 30 minute and then move up with there age to about an hour. Set a timer in their room so they learn time management and how to keep themselves busy.

It us great for you as a parent to help your child learn the skill of entertaining themselves it will help you have time to get stuff done and help them grow. You also need to remember to give then alone time in moderation. It is good for them to learn this but they also need playing time with you.

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